How to win the long game while benefiting short term as an employer brand thinker Jonas Molbech-Kuskner February 3, 2022

How to win the long game while benefiting short term as an employer brand thinker

(1 min. 15 sec. read)

Short term: You want positions filled ASAP

The long game: You want to build your employer brand and create fruitful pipelines of suitable candidates

It isn’t an either/or question. It’s possible to build for the long run without putting the current work on hold.

It’s about valuable content distributed across different channels. And it doesn’t need to be that time-consuming.  

Start by defining your future hire needs so you can act in time instead of reacting when it’s too late.

Let’s say you know that you’re going to need a bunch of salespeople. 

Look at your current team. They reflect the talent you want to attract!

Ask them the following questions and preferably film it (can be done over Riverside):

  • Why did you join the company and why are you still here?
  • What does the first 30 days look like when you joined the team?
  • What obstacles are you facing in the team right now?
  • How do you see the industry evolving in the next three years?

Cut it into micro-content that each answers a question or discusses a certain topic.

So far so good.

Now you have a pile of valuable content that 1) is relevant for your target audience, 2) provides value and doesn’t try to “sell” your workplace, and 3) shows off the team that you want talent to apply to.

This type of content can be used in many ways.

It can live on your careers page and social media (long-term brand building). 

And it can be used in recruitment marketing as you approach new candidates to provide them with valuable information that can give them a quick overview of whether you are offering a conversation that they want to opt-in or out of (short-term gains).

Provide more value. Don’t spam candidates as if they have waited years for you to contact them.

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Jonas Molbech

Co-Founder of Hume Agency

Hume Agency Contact
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