Byg dit brand ved at lade folk gå med en hjælpende hånd Jonas Molbech-Kuskner marts 23, 2022

Byg dit brand ved at lade folk gå med en hjælpende hånd

(2 min. read)

Employer branding isn’t all about your careers page. It’s an endless cycle of bringing value to people. Both external and internal.

It’s 2022, and people are shifting jobs more than ever. Not necessarily because they don’t like you as an employer, but because new opportunities present themselves all the time.

With the growing popularity in the freelance space, the entrepreneurial landscape, and the gig economy, people find new ventures that they want to try out constantly.

Instead of being the grumpy old fella holding a grudge, try encouraging your employees that want to try out new adventures. 

A survey from WorkSphere tells us that nearly 1/3 of employees have previously returned to their old employer after leaving.

Therefore, it might be a fantastic idea to stop burning bridges and start letting people go on an excellent note. 

Things you could do to enhance your chances of getting talented people to make the boomerang choice:

  • For one, don’t shoot yourself in the foot by holding a grudge – this happens (a lot)
  • Leave them a killer recommendation on LinkedIn
  • Ask them to grab a coffee a month later to hear about how things are going

First, whether they return or don’t, this will help you more than you know.

People speak to each other. And they definitely talk about their old employer – good or bad.

You’ll even win in the short run! Imagine how your kind reaction will impact their train of thought when you ask for a company review.

Furthermore, it grants your recruiters a golden opportunity to open new conversations with candidates with something else than “Hi [name], I think this job opening would be amazing for you”. Instead, the conversation can start as an actual conversation with “I can see you know [the ex-employee]. Try to ask what it was like working here. If you like what you hear, I’d be happy to get on a call with you”. 

This tactic will not only increase response rates. It will also initiate a conversation between peers. That’s a way to stop the perception of your recruiters as greedy salesmen.

If you manage to leave candidates with a great impression of you as an employer from start to finish, you’ll provide yourself with a crucial advocate that speaks your case to other talents. 

And if this person (that you didn’t want to let go of) circles back to you, it’s a huge win. They’ve just gained even more experience, and without a penny spent, you’ve got an insanely valuable hire in the future. 

It’s just about accepting the new standards of the market and playing it to your advantage. 

They expect you to be cruel and disappointed. Be excited, cheer employees on for their next adventure, and radiate regret that you can’t keep them longer. It can’t be quantitively measured, but man… Give a joyful departure, and magic will happen.

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Jonas Molbech

Co-Founder of Hume Agency

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